He knows he will be sleeping soon and he knows that he will soon be needing his after dinner treat before turning the lights off. He knows that sweet treats bring sweet dreams. For that reason, he stretches his arm to open his bed side table's top drawer. A couple of small things fall on the floor while he opens it. With a sudden move, a loud sound that sounds like a noisy cat purring and a big smile he picks up two boxes of "Chocolate Orange".
A few minutes later he is still sat on his bed, looking focused on his second orange. An empty box is left in the other side of the room. Kevin seems a bit sceptical while his clumsy eating spreads even more chocolate around his mouth and nose. He is wondering if Chocolate orange is really his favourite after dinner treat. The crunchy but also chewy orange bits covered with tasty milk chocolate in a perfect round shape that looks like a real orange can make Kevin think YUMMY in my TUMMATORS. However he is still a bit confused.
Help Kevin decide what his really favourite after dinner treat is by voting on the poll on the top right of this blog.